Thursday, March 13, 2008

Watering The Grass...The Wrong Way

Last year I came home to find a leak in the water pipe that attaches from the street to my meter in the yard. It looked harmless at first and so I calmly called the water department who assured me someone would be out soon to look at it. It grew. And grew. And then grew some more. I called again, still being polite and patient, explaining that it was getting bigger and the ground looked to be "swelling". She thanked me for being so patient and said she would call it in again. Suddenly, the ground lifted up, gave one last push and the full force of the water threw dirt, rocks, and part of my curbside garden up into the air. Much of these events were filmed over the four hours it took for the water department to arrive. Eventually we had neighborhood children asking if they could play in the water, people stopped in their cars and asked about the geyser, and the police showed up. Before the water was turned off it had reached the house...all the way up the hill I have for a front, don't you think if I had been watering my yard and causing this much waste I would have been issued a citation from the city?

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