Saturday, March 8, 2008

My church: First Christian Church of Fort Worth

My church congregation was started in 1855 by the Clarke family whose sons, Addison and Randolph, went on to begin Texas Christian University. My grandmother first attended in 1917 and became a member in 1919. I am a third generation member. My children are fourth generation, and my granddaughter is a fifth generation member. We have continuously worshipped in this church for 89 years. Pretty impressive, huh? Well, so is the congregation. So many changes, splits, fractures, repairs, homecomings...and here we are, still standing right smack in the middle of a downtown that once thrived, died out, and is now being revitalized...revivified if you will...a town that once was more well-known for it's barfights, shootouts, and cow trade than it's Christian population- well, got to say we are very classy these days.....

These pictures are of our youth handbell choir (notice that us adults are ALL helping), our Cherub choir (of which my sweet Perry is a part), and a few of just the beauty that is this magnificent Greek Revival Structure...

I LOVE this church, and ALL it stands for- then, AND now.

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