Monday, March 31, 2008

Grafitti- A Different Way

I drew this online, using the touchpad on my laptop...not as easy as I thought. Makes it look like a 5 year old did it.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tadpole Hunting

We were asked by Perry's teacher to help find tadpoles for a science project the class had planned for this week. We went to the creek armed with kitchen strainers and Halloween buckets and found:
1 squishy football
1 disgusting baseball
4 crab claws
1 live snake
many frogs
100's of minnows
The snake would come to the surface occasionally, poking his head out of the water, to look at us with great curiosity. We caught some minnows, hoping that they weren't ALL minnows. Perry stepped on something and cut his foot and had to be carried out of the creekbed.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Perry & His New Ship

Sue & Suzanna went to SeaWorld and brought Perry this boat. He has taken a bath with it every day- he loves it!!!!

What's Wrong With This Cat?

Charlie loves to lay in the window and soak up the sun. He sleeps, sort of, and people watches. Sometimes Crystal (the outdoor cat) walks by and catches his attention. He is one of the most amusing cats I have ever known.

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Couldn't resist taking this picture of Bo with the standee at the theater. Too silly.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Luckiest Puppy On Earth

A friend called me before leaving for Spring Break in Florida, asking if I knew anyone looking for Yellow Lab pups...I did. We exchanged a few phone numbers and I made the calls. The puppy was on the other side of Stephenville and here's the Six Degrees Of Separation: Susan has a friend named Ro who is a pet sitter, Ro has a friend whose daughter is dating a boy named Cody who is friends with Mary's son who lives next door to the puppy. Whew!!!!! Cody picked up the 6 week old pup on a Sunday and came back home to Grapevine, on Tuesday Mary brought the pup halfway to Fort Worth and I picked it up from her. Now the puppy lives with Rachelle and her little Rosie dog. Quite spoiled by now, I believe.

Even more amazing is that, while pregnant, the mother dog was hit by a truck and nearly died. ALL 9 PUPS SURVIVED...

The Easter Picture I Like Best

Silly faces when they were supposed to be serious...I LOVE it!!!!

Dollar A Bag Day At The Thrift Store

Wednesday at the thrift store is usually 25 cent day and by all rights that's an awesome bargain! They topped themselves today. Everything you could cram into their largest bags- 1$. It was madness, people pushing, shoving, ramming you with baskets, children crying, parents yelling, wall-to-wall humanity at its cheapest. What a scene!

As Bo was out in the insanity pulling clothes, occasionally bringing more bags, I double-bagged for strength and packed those bags tightly to overflowing. I spent a whopping 4 bucks. It is an experience unmatched by anything else and one that shouldn't be missed.

eBay- here we come!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Afternoon

We had lunch, an Easter Egg Hunt, and the ever popular confetti egg smashing at Angie and Armando's. I LOVE Easter!!!!!!!

I am the most blessed parent (and grandparent) on EARTH...

Easter Morning

Breakfast at church on Easter morning is a tradition in my family. We don't always make it to sunrise service, but we never miss breakfast. Perry, Alexis, Chase, Isa, and Sophia were involved in the "fun-size" egg hunt, and Armando had his hands full with his adoring daughters. All my children were under the same "dome". That means a lot to me.

Thank you Armando, for giving me Isa, Sophia, Peter, William, and Emily. And for being a good dad to Chase.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Duden Fountain- Antalya, Turkey

What I really saw vs. Alexis' entry for the art contest at school.

Off To See The Stars...

Bo headed off with the crew to see the Dallas Stars play today. They are taking the train over to Dallas...should be a lot of fun.

Home At Last....

Alexis arrived home with great fanfare and had the time of her life. With many performances in Tucson, and a homestay family that she fit in with perfectly, AND performing on stage at Disneyland, she was truly exhausted!. My family is complete again...Alexis is home.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Out With The Old...In With The New

My hair...before and after...ready for summer!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dinner At Edelweiss

Dinner and dancing at Edelweiss last night! It was much fun, especially for the kids.
They enjoyed the Chicken Dance...Logan showed us her tomato, and then let us all know she didn't like Nana's food.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Alexis & Dad At Father/Daughter Social 2008

Every year for the past 4 years Alexis and her dad have attended the Texas Girls' Choir Father/Daughter Social and Dance. A very dressy affair as you can see.

Visit From Nana & Poopop

Last night Nana & Poopop came to visit. They live in Wisconsin. These are pictures of Poopop with Logan, Louisa and Logan, and Nana with Logan (how does she get into every picture? Just cute I guess!). Tonight we are going to Edelweiss for dinner and dancing...