Saturday, June 7, 2008

Damn Travel Agent #%&*$#!@!

Arrived at the airport, dutifully early in case there were problems, and went to check in. I was told that my ticket had been voided by the travel agent. Standing there, staring blankly into the face of one of the sweetest ticket agents one could hope for, I finally shut my mouth and comprehended the magnitude of "the situation". I had no ticket, no reservations, no flight....

Then a miracle happened. They found my name and the flight my travel agent had changed me to (without informing me). Alicia said, "You were scheduled on a flight that left at 8:15 this morning.", and I said, "%#$@&&%^#$@!!!!!!!"(to myself, of course). After taking the shuttle to 3 different terminals, repeating my story to at least 15 agents and seeing them share my pain, and making numerous calls to my Turkish friends (who were boarding their own flights from Houston)I knew I was not leaving today. Even through the concern of not making it out of DFW, I felt very much ok about it- everyone was so helpful and kind, willing to do whatever was necessary to get me going. I was completely impressed with the kind spirits at Northwest, United, and Lufthansa. Also Mr Sari, Mr. Coban, and Mr. Okumusa who spent the entire day helping me. It's times like these that I feel the goodness of human nature (mushy as that may sound, I was VERY touched by kindness today).

Then, as I was putting my bags in my car to return home, the wind picked up, blowing my skirt up to my least the old man on the bench felt like his wait was productive.... :-)

It all turned out ok, I will leave tomorrow. I am sure they will treat me especially well when I arrive (because it was the fault of the Turkish agents). I will be the Queen Of Turkey- they even said if my new flight keeps me there a few extra days they will hire a guide, pay for my hotel, and best of all ALL MY FOOD!!!!!!!!

Pray for me. I want to eat Baklava, Dolma, and Goezleme....I am sooooo hungry!

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