Sunday, April 27, 2008

Texas Girls' Choir Mother-Daughter Social 2008

What a lovely afternoon! Lunch at Rivercrest Country Club followed by a style show in which Alexis and I were two of the models. Then the BIG GAME....what's in your purse? Alexis won a necklace because she had a spork in her purse! We would have won more- but only one winner for each mother-daughter pair. Some of the things we had in our purses? A grenade, passport, matchbox car, remote, Turkish money, airplane boarding pass to Istanbul, yo-yo, pitch pipe, harmonica, soap, hotel key, and a walking stick. It was nice sitting at a table with all new faces, we got to know 3 new choir moms and their daughters and had great conversation. We had our picture taken before we left and I'll post it as soon as it is sent to me. That is my favorite event of the year!!!!!

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