Saturday, April 26, 2008

Career Fair at HSA

Career Day at Harmony Science Academy was great! Held in the Gymnatorium, the students were both attentive and interested (as well as very polite). I was fortunate to have a Powerpoint created especially for me by Alexis that was loaded with BLING and had many examples of my work, as well as photos of my work process. Great Job Alexis, and Thank You!!!

After the presentations were complete we were all invited into the classrooms to answer individual questions. Here are my two favorite:

#1. What was the WORST project you ever did?
#2. Do you ever get so frustrated that you want to quit?

Answer #1: The wall I finished left-handed because I had a cast on my right arm.
Answer #2: Yes. All the time. I get tired and frustrated and have to take a step back or leave it for a while then I can come back with a fresh outlook.

Most asked? How much money do you make?

Silly kids. Isn't it really all about job satisfaction? :-)

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