Thursday, July 17, 2008

How long since I last blogged?

I came back from Turkey expecting to have minor surgery on my knee to remove a cyst. Mind you, I KNEW I would have the surgery and so planned it so as not to interfere with our summer activities. When I woke up my doctor came in and said he had sucessfully removed the cyst (although it had been a tough one, right on the nerve that controls leg and foot movement), but also found a meniscal tear, a severe lack of cartilage that should be covering the bone, and enough fluid to make a pot of soup. He had repaired what he could, and told me I would be on crutches for 6 weeks with absolutely no weight bearing during that time. OK. Once I processed THAT I thought, "I can do this....". At my follow-up appointment to have my stitches removed I found he had saved the worst for when I was more coherent. When I come off the crutches I will be in a mechanical brace until I have a full knee replacement.

It has been 3 weeks and I'm halfway there. My shoulders, sides, and arms no longer hurt from the crutches but my hands are constantly sore and bruised. I have built up some pretty serious muscles in my arms and shoulders- and that's a big plus! On the down-side, It takes so long for me to accomplish any task that I'm exhausted by lunchtime...I will make it though!

In the words of my dear friend Betty Marcell, "This too shall pass"...

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