Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Knew The Turtles Would Come...But Laying Eggs Was A Bonus!

When I left for my womens meeting this morning I found a turtle next to my driveway apparently digging a hole. My first impulse was to send the little guy back to the creek and keep my yard intact...then I realized it was laying eggs. I took pictures and video and left for my meeting, thinking I would investigate further when I returned. At 1 pm I checked back and almost could not find the spot where I had seen her (or him, who knows how that works...I'll research it.). I got a spoon and my camera and began digging in the spot Bo suggested- he was right! A few minutes later I was looking at 6 eggs. They were off-white, oblong, and leathery soft, about 2" long. I took a few more pictures and a short video and closed the hole back up, being careful not to move the eggs or pack the dirt too tight. I marked the spot with a stick and will have the kids help me build a protective cage around the site to keep the raccoons and skunks away- natural predators! And we have a lot of them here! If we are good stewards we may see some baby turtles around the end of July! Bo built an enclosure for the turtle nest and I have added the picture. Safe at last!!!

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