Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Sweet Cats

Sweetheart, Kitten, and Thomas. Very special, each in their own way. Sweetheart is too fat, or is it just her fur? Thomas has too many toes... Kitten drinks too much water...

Afternoon Tea Is A Must...

I love my Turkish Tea. A relaxing break in the day.

Can You Believe It???? More Terminator!!!!!

I could hardly believe what I was favorite movie of all time...and now they are planning a trilogy! I will have a hard time waiting until the first is released...

Letting Go...

Never hold onto material things...oil pastel on parchment

Rocks & Shells

Done with oil pastels, this was my first attempt with this medium. I got better with this too!

Working With Silk

Last year I admired some art done on silk and decided to give it a shot...this was one of my first- it really did improve over time... :-)

A Few Pieces I Did In The Past

Working to restore a very old Ladies Lounge I found that the black and while tiled floor couldn't be removed because of Asbestos concerns so I centered all color around the tile...

Monday, May 26, 2008

Splash Day At Emmy & BeBe's

Spent the afternoon visiting with Chris & Tina while the kids had fun in the water. It was enjoyable and relaxing.

Someone Pays The Price For Our Freedom

Our U. S. Military personnel wrote
a blank check made
payable to
The United States of America,
for the sum of up to and including
their lives.

Some of those checks have been cashed for the maximum amount...

Remember them always.

Alexis at Scarborough Renaissance Festival

I feel for the person who did her hair and I hope they were paid well! Alexis went with her friend Victoria from choir and had a great time! She came home with a hair-do, face paint, and a real fox mask.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Medievel Birthday Bash- Alexis is 13

Alexis had her birthday bash in the park this year and everyone was encouraged to dress in medievel attire. We had hot dogs and cake (Ben would not eat the hot dogs because he doesn't eat in front of anyone...but he had cake because he said "cake is ceremonial, and one must eat it.". Then came the tossing of the football (which everyone was lame at) and javelin throwing. The real fun (and hilarity) came when we began the medievel jousting using foam noodles for horses and poles. A special thanks goes out to Bo and Elaina for their creative sound effects- remarkably similar to the coconuts used in Monty Python And The Holy Grail....

Dino World- a 1st Grade Adventure in Glenrose

Dino World has just opened and is located near the entrance of Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glenrose, Texas. I was raised to just say "the river" or "the Paluxy", we all knew where it was. K-3 were treated to an end of year trip and they had a great time learning about the dinosaurs that once roamed our area. We started off at the playground (which, on it's own, would have been enough for the kids) and then had a dino-dig looking for fossils. We walked the path through the park and found life-size replicas of these huge creatures. It was fun listening to the 1st graders trying to pronounce the names...After Perry was eaten by the T-Rex, we had lunch and then more playground time. If you haven't been- please go! I was impressed!

The Boston Tea Perry

Perry had to do a project for the lower grade Science and History Fair and he chose the Boston Tea Party. When I asked him what happened there he said "they had Thanksgiving...". We have reviewed the history of it since and he now thinks they shouldn't have made such a mess in the water because it might have hurt the fish...He did a great job, didn't he? Won 3rd Place and was thrilled!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Knew The Turtles Would Come...But Laying Eggs Was A Bonus!

When I left for my womens meeting this morning I found a turtle next to my driveway apparently digging a hole. My first impulse was to send the little guy back to the creek and keep my yard intact...then I realized it was laying eggs. I took pictures and video and left for my meeting, thinking I would investigate further when I returned. At 1 pm I checked back and almost could not find the spot where I had seen her (or him, who knows how that works...I'll research it.). I got a spoon and my camera and began digging in the spot Bo suggested- he was right! A few minutes later I was looking at 6 eggs. They were off-white, oblong, and leathery soft, about 2" long. I took a few more pictures and a short video and closed the hole back up, being careful not to move the eggs or pack the dirt too tight. I marked the spot with a stick and will have the kids help me build a protective cage around the site to keep the raccoons and skunks away- natural predators! And we have a lot of them here! If we are good stewards we may see some baby turtles around the end of July! Bo built an enclosure for the turtle nest and I have added the picture. Safe at last!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Little Well-Deserved R & R

Nice to kick back and relax in the mild May sunshine. Splashing in the Slip-n-Slide...oh, wait!!! Who's that hiding on the roof behind that branch? Get down off there!!! You want to break an arm or something?

Hamilton & Thomas

Becoming fast friends...maybe Thomas thinks Hamilton will grow up to be a cat? At 7 weeks old, this little Lab pup has stolen ALL hearts- including Thomas'

Youth Sunday at FCCFW

From the music to the sermon, our kids presented the entire worship service! We are blessed to have this much talent and leadership- this is the future of our church!